Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Studying Kinda

Another long day of studying. I took a break today, though, to go to the daily mass at Westminster Abbey. It is called Evensong. The first Evensong service I went to was at St. Paul’s Cathedral, and it was spectacular. Well, today I found out that Wednesday is the Westminster Abbey version of Saturday mass: no singing, just a quick half-hour service of standing and sitting and I was on my way. Even my plan of sticking around after the mass to get a free glimpse of the Abbey didn’t work very well. They had the service in a preliminary area which was blocked off from the rest of the Abbey. I tried to explore but was immediately confronted by a stern clergyman demanding six pounds. I’m not the caliber of man to carry that luxurious amount of cash around on my person, so I left ill-satisfied. I did, however, see where Charles Darwin is buried. It’s amazing how close the history is over here. I really wanted to see Charles Dickens gravesite, but I certainly didn’t want to see it bad enough to pay six pounds for the sight.

I had another food breakthrough today. I get the feeling that my brainpower is being misused during these days of studying. My notes sit spread all around my desk while I try to find excuses not to look at them. Excuses such as cooking, watching Scrubs, writing blogs, cooking, watching Avatar, stretching, trying to do upside-down pushups, watching The Big Bang Theory, taking a shower, organizing my room, talking to friends, downloading music from Disney’s Jungle Book and The Lion King….The list goes on and on, and those are just excuses I used today. Anyway, on to my food innovation.

I realized a while ago, on accident, that apples taste really good with tomato soup. (No, I didn't accidentally drop an apple in my soup.) Today I was making this culinary masterpiece, and I decided I also wanted a grilled cheese sandwich. But we don’t have a grill, and I didn’t want to put it into the oven because I’m afraid of the oven. (I’m just taking things one step at a time in the kitchen: this semester I conquered the stove; I'm satisfied with my progress.) So, I thought, the pot will be hot when my soup is done warming up. Why don’t I set my soup on top of my sandwich, and by the time I’m ready to take a bite of my sandwich, the cheese will be melted!

If only the world worked the way I want it to in my optimistic mind. The cheese was only melted a little bit. But I’m willing to try it again tomorrow, because, let’s face it, we all know I have nothing better to do.

I also saw a squirrel today, and I have provided evidence.

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