Friday, January 16, 2009


To be brief, all the good stuff I was hoping would happen today in regards to my classes, happened. Dropping my physics class and adding the course about the architecture in London both went off without a hitch, which made for a good start to my day.

I have a wisdom tooth coming in, which I’m hoping will help me with courses this semester, but I’m not sure it’s worth it because it’s been very painful. That’s very corny, I’m sorry, I’m running out of material….

Oh, this is interesting. Today, my two other male flatmates and I were sitting in the kitchen having one of our many meals. This one came between lunch and dinner. We haven’t named this particular meal yet, but we’re open to suggestions. Anyways, we were eating cookies, which in Britain are known as biscuits. The best (and cheapest) kind to buy come in a roll at the supermarket entitled “Digestive Biscuits,” which I at first perceived as a product for either old people or dogs, no offense to either party. But in fact, they turned out to be delicious chocolate-covered cookies. Anyways, we were sitting around the table, and I said, “I think I’ll get another cookie.” My British flatmate looked at me and said, “I think you mean a biscuit, you wanker,” and the French flatmate, who doesn’t speak English very well yet, just looked confused until I came back with a cookie in my hand and he said, “Oh! You mean a cake!” We all thought it was pretty funny, and certainly a story worth sharing. I hope you enjoyed it, because that’s about the only worthwhile thing that happened today. That’s all you get, so read it again, and savor it this time.

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