A few minutes from now, I will be in my bed. It’s quite a nice bed these days; a friend from upstairs had some leftover sheets and pillows he was kind enough to loan me, so now I have a very comfortable, attractive bed. I read before I go to bed. Right now, for research purposes, I’m reading Cat’s Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut, and Metamorphoses by Ovid.
I suppose that brings me to right now, writing this blog. That’s what I’m doing. Writing a blog focused on the boring events in a backwards day. Why did I think this was a good idea?
Tonight, my friends and I walked a little ways to an area called Brick Lane. It is a very trendy area, despite being in the poor part of town, and I saw an art piece by the mysterious graffiti artist Banksy. We were in the neighborhood to attend an advertised free jazz concert. The bar we went to seemed nice, but the concert could only very loosely be called jazz. It was more electronic funk, which was still nice to listen to for awhile. There are some art galleries in Brick Lane I would like to visit during the day sometime.
Before that, I was turning in my homework. That’s right, sometimes I do homework. I was pretty pleased with myself (aren’t I always) because I had just begun to understand a problem in my thermodynamics homework which had given me trouble a short while before.
A short while before, a problem in my thermodynamics homework was giving me trouble.
This morning, I went to ask a man about the capabilities of the engineering workshop relevant to constructing my group design project, a lightweight tower. I learned some useful information, such as the pipe bender cannot bend perfect circles, and if you are cutting a square into a sheet of aluminum, you should put wider circles in the corner so the square can fit, because it’s very hard to square up the corners. You should do it like this:

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